I Want You to Feel Something

I want you to feel something
Only for a moment if you can’t cling to it further
But I want you to feel something…wonderful
I project it into your mind with each word
With each subtle phrase I weave each slender piece of fabric into your membrane
And stitch each vibrant thread into your heart
I want you
I will you
To experience wonder from the eyes of another
From someone labeled no one by societies cruel hand
Someone so forgettable that no memory is recorded
Until now
Until the butterfly sprouts wings
And the bird drops down from the nest it can no longer call home
That moment
That feeling
When time has no authority
When life ceases to be linear
And the shackles that once fettered you to reality
Suddenly crack under the pressure
Amongst the heat of spontaneity
You awake from a dream you cannot remember falling into
And you begin to open your eyes for the first time
That emotion
The one that has no currency
No measurement of value
Yet proves to be the one thing we hold tightest to our hearts
Can you feel it now?
Because if there was ever a time to feel alive
Now is your time.

— Samuel Woods-Corr